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Trinity Church Buxton


Safeguarding at Trinity Church Buxton is everyone’s responsibility because at heart safeguarding is about how we love and care for one another. The Bible regularly commands Christians to care for one another and to care especially for vulnerable people. This includes children, young people and vulnerable adults. Although the language of safeguarding today is different from the way caring for one another is expressed in the bible, the command to care is clear. This is our motivation for prioritising safeguarding: it is an expression of our Christian faith lived out in church life.

All our staff and volunteers have completed safeguarding training provided by the Church of England. Trinity Church Buxton has a clear structure of support within all areas of ministry for reporting safeguarding concerns. Please speak to or contact any of our safeguarding team with your comments, concerns or questions.

Our commitments to safeguarding include:

  • Maintaining a safe environment for all our meetings and groups
  • Being thoughtful about recruiting volunteers and staff, particularly those who work with children, young people and vulnerable adults. All volunteers and staff are required to complete training provided by the Church of England and where recommended will complete an enhanced DBS check
  • Making it our priority to care for victims and survivors of abuse
  • We will also care for people who are the subject of concerns or allegations of abuse
  • We have a policy to respond to anyone who may pose a present risk to others
  • We want to hear your concerns about safeguarding matters and commit to respond promptly to every concern or allegation

The Church Council has overall responsibility for ensuring have a healthy safeguarding culture and has appointed the Safeguarding Team and together they ensure that the Safeguarding Policy is communicated to staff and volunteers, and followed.

The Church Council has adopted the House of Bishops’ ‘Promoting a Safer Church: Safeguarding Policy Statement’, and the Church of England’s policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England’s website. These form the basis of the Trinity Church Buxton safeguarding policy which we work to locally. The current policy is available here.

Our Parish Safeguarding Link is Elizabeth Gilmour, who may be contacted at church or by email:


Our Safeguarding Team is:


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(Vulnerable Adults)





If you have a Safeguarding concern, please click here to view the flowchart of who to contact.

You can find our Safer Recruitment Policy here.


Please click the links below for the Derby Diocese Safeguarding information:
Parish Safeguarding Handbook
Safeguarding - Diocese of Derby (

Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here for more.

Planning your Visit

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Welcome!  We're so glad that you've found us online.  It may be that you've never been to church before and are looking to connect with God or have some questions answered. It may be that you have moved to Buxton or the surrounding area and are looking for a church to join. It may be that you're visiting or on holiday. Whatever the case, you are most welcome to join us at our services.

Below is some information to help you as you plan a visit.


When and where does the church meet?

Our Sunday services start at 10am and 6pm.  Rather like going to the cinema or to a football match, we recommend arriving about 10 minutes before the service starts, so you have time to find a seat and get settled before we begin.

We meet at:
Trinity Church Buxton,
Hardwick Mount,
SK17 6PR.

You can see a map on our contact us page. 

There is parking available in our car park for those with blue badges. There is also plenty of on-street parking around us.  Just remember to double-check any parking restrictions.  Click here to see a map of where you can park on a Sunday.

Accessibility:  Trinity has wheelchair/pushchair access and a hearing loop.  There are large-print Bibles and service sheets available, and a disabled toilet both in the main building and in the downstairs hall.  Please let one of the Welcome Team know when you arrive if there is any way in which we can assist you, or if you prefer, get in touch before your visit.  

What should I expect when I visit?

You will be welcomed at the main door and given a copy of the service sheet and a Bible. This should tell you everything you need to know about what will be happening during our meeting, but please feel free to ask the welcomers any questions you may have.  Please sit anywhere you like. 

During our services...
  • we sing a mixture of traditional hymns and contemporary Christian songs.
  • someone reads aloud a section from the Bible and the minister then gives a talk (called a sermon) teaching us from God's word. 
  • we pray together - someone leads this from the front.
  • once a month, we share communion together.
After the service, we continue meeting together over tea/coffee & biscuits.  It's a great time to get to know one another better.

I've got children.  What's on for them on Sunday mornings?

We are a church of all ages, and babies & children are most welcome.  We know that little ones make noise and can find it hard to sit still, so please don't worry about how your children might behave. During the main teaching part of the service, we have a crèche for 0-4s, Trinity Kids group for children in YR-Y6, and Pathfinders for those in Y7-Y9.  Once a month, we have an All-Age service, where everyone stays together in church for the service.

If your child has additional needs, please either get in touch with us before you visit or speak to one of the welcomers when you arrive, so we can know the best way to care for him/her. 

Click the link to find out more our children's work and youth work.


Will I have to join in with everything?

Not at all!  If you are still exploring who Jesus is and why he matters, please feel free to just sit and listen or to join in with the parts of the service you feel able to. 

Is there a dress code?

No.  Please just be yourself and come in your 'normal' clothes. 

I still have questions.  

If you've got questions or if there are ways we can help make it easier for you come along, do contact us.  We'd love to hear from you.